If you just want an answer key, skip on ahead! Album pictures are at the end.
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I have to say, Yuri is among my favorite otome game characters of all the games I've played so far. All of the men in this game are beautiful physically, but I think Yuri hits just the perfect combination of effeminate and manly for my taste. He has slightly shaggy hair (but not actually long), which I just find so appealing. And that combination of white hair and violet eyes, and how his facial expressions are for the most part a bit vulnerable and sad. But enough of the shallow stuff... In terms of personality, I think that is where some people might find issue. Yuri is sadistic. Very much so. The description was not kidding. And when he is in his cold and cruel moments, he is downright scary. He has a generally teasing and light-hearted manner, but he can become really quite cruel. On the one hand, he treats you quite tenderly and lovingly, and is definitely not shy about telling you that he loves you. And when you're in danger, he is sincerely worried and does his utmost to protect you. On the other hand, he does force kissing and sexual contact on you, and tries to lock you up in a room... And his mood swings can be something else... looking like he's going to jump you at one second and then suddenly going back to light-hearted teasing the next. He expresses his jealousy and insecurity through cruelty, I think. Which I get, is not a good thing *in real life*, and likely not to a lot of people's preferences even in a game. I have to admit that this cruel twist in his personality is actually part of why I found him so attractive, along with the cool detachment that he uses to mask his inner feelings. That probably says something... about me, huh... But really, I'm willing to see the good in Yuri, the fact that he really does care about the people around him, his brother, his friends, about doing good for his country. Even if he sucks at expressing it well. And how his cynicism was really inwardly directed as well, in self-doubt. That just made me really feel for him, because I know part of him is putting up a front to hide his pain.
I chose Yuri's route as my first one, and I've achieved both the Happy Ending and also the Royal Ending (ahh... moneys...). Because I absolutely love Yuri, I also chose to buy all of his "Diary of the Heart" scenarios (ahhh... more moneys...). I'm not sure yet if I would buy them for a character I'm less infatuated with. I have to say though, they were really sweet and I fully enjoyed them. One of them was a little more explicit than I expected given the level of the rest of the route... so that was... interesting... In any case, I really really enjoyed it, and I am happy that I spent the real-world moneys to get the endings I did. I only managed to collect 4/5 of his picture album though. I'm guessing that last one I'm missing is from his normal ending? I'll have to go back and replay the route again to get that picture.
Because this game is one where you have to pay what I consider exorbitant amounts to read more than 5 scenes a day, I chose to refer to walkthroughs to make sure I would hit the required amount of reputation points to get the Happy Ending. I particularly appreciated the guide written by Yumiko Hayashi and found the Love Trial item descriptions given in Jill Rosa's guide to be really helpful for planning ahead as well.
I'll summarize the sequence of answers I chose below, for those curious to see, but I really recommend reading the detailed descriptions in the above-mentioned guides if you'd like to tackle the game yourself. Because I didn't want to ruin the surprise of playing the game, I would read through to the choice point and then make up a choice of my own first, but then check it against a walkthrough before *actually* progressing. That to me was a decent compromise between maintaining the experience of playing the game blind, but not being forced to very slowly snail-creep my way through the route multiple times if I screwed up.
=== Yuri's Route Answer Guide ===
Reputation Points Needed:Normal Ending: 85+
Happy Ending: 165+
Royal Ending: 200+ with special gacha item
Chapter 1: Marriage at First Sight
1.6 [3] I don't know.
1.10 [1] It's a minor inconvenience.
1.14 [3] I want you to show me where it is.
Chapter 2: A Present Worthy of a Princess
2.3 [1] It's a charming country.
2.6 [1] That's good to hear.
2.12 [2] Where?
Chapter 3: Gunshot Panic
3.5 [1] Do you not wanna talk about it?
3.10 [3] I'm fine.
3.15 [2] Too convenient.
Chapter 4: A Public Trial
4.1 [2] If you'll stop keeping secrets.
4.10 [3] I just wanted to be nice.
4.12 [3] If something happens, I'll save you.
Chapter 5: A Kiss in the Snow
5.3 [1] I'm just happy you're okay...
5.9 [1] Forever's a long time.
5.14 [2] Thanks for caring about me.
Chapter 6: A Double-Cross Most Heinous
6.5 [1] Wait.
6.13 [2] I want to believe.
6.15 [2] The truth is...
Chapter 7: Love Triangle
7.1 [1] Impossible.
7.10 [2] I have to do what he says.
7.13 [2] I should go back.
Chapter 8: My Secret with my Brother-in-Law...
8.3 [3] I don't know what to do.
8.6 [3] I want to stay.
8.13 [2] I'm sorry.
Chapter 9: Rebellion
9.2 [2] Is this a date?
9.9 [2] I want to be with you.
9.13 [3] You asked that before.
Chapter 10: A Second Home
10.2 [3] I understand.
10.10 [3] Please stop stroking me.
10.13 [3] Is he going to kiss me again?
Chapter 11: Terminus of Love and Hate
11.2 [3] I intend to.
11.18 [1] Don't!
11.14 [2] Aren't you going to do something, Yuri?
A Note about Royal Ending:
By following the walkthroughs, I achieved the 165+ reputation points needed for the Happy Ending. There is a free once-a-day gacha that has items that will give you around 2 reputation points for your fellow (per item). I'm not really clear if owning more than one of each item gives you multiple sets of reputation points or not (ie, if I have 2 fancy tables that each give +2 reputation, does that mean I have +4 reputation? I'm not sure.) I will say that I ended up just buying Yuri Reputation Tickets to get my reputation points high enough for the Royal Ending. And then buying gacha tickets so I could get the gacha items. I've found a few walkthroughs that mention a different strategy for getting the Royal Ending, but I'm impatient and didn't want to risk not getting it for my favorite prince, haha.

How did u earn platinum....